Teen Mentoring Youth Outreach

Focusing on families and instilling hope back into the heart of the community.

Vincent James Mentoring is here to show love to individuals that are in need of hope, faith, love, and family, and to encourage and instill hope into the hearts of teens and families within our community, to provide new perspectives.

What are we going to accomplish in the Waukesha metro area?

We are here to show and instill love, hope, and strength back into the heart of the community through teaching new perspectives to teens and their families to the best of our abilities.

The Pillars of Vincent James Mentoring

Pillar 1

We will believe wholeheartedly in each individual without judgment, bias, or drawing conclusions before they are introduced to the programs and to the VJM family.

Pillar 2

We will treat each individual with love and respect. We strive to treat everyone with honor and humility because without this, we cannot function.

Pillar 3

We will not discriminate against anyone on staff of within our programs. This is crucial in creating stability and a safe environment for every single individual involved with VJM.


Vincent James Mentoring Programs

Leadership Program

To be a leader within our lives, we must be the ones to serve first and be the last to lead.


Mentor Training

We are here to help cultivate the strength, hope, and love within the individual or individuals. That they will believe in themselves


Family Mentoring

With all families, they are never perfect, but we are here to show you a new point of view on how to treat the ones you love deeper.


Teen Mentoring

If and when you fall, we will be there to look you in the eyes and show you that you are not alone in the struggle.


Who is Vincent James Mentoring?


Jim fostered Matt for 13 years until Jim’s passing when Matt was 15 years old. A loving father, Jim cared deeply for those around him Jim’s example and Jim’s love is the foundation of VJM. It was his love for Matt and the way he included Matt as his own son that gives Matt the hope and strength to reach troubled teens and families today. Jim showed that family isn’t about who you share blood with, family is who you share love with.


From age 2 1/2 onward, Matt lived in foster care. His relationship with his biological family was rocky to say the least. As a teen, Matt’s life hit more bumps as he experienced the deaths of seven loved ones in six years. His path ahead was lost. Matt was spiraling downward.

Matt started attending a teen outreach in 1999. As he regained his direction in life, he continued to grow and joined the staff at the outreach. He was involved at the teen outreach for 12 years, first as a teen, second as a volunteer, finally as a staff member.

The lessons learned from his foster dad, Jim, have prepared Matt for this journey and led him to found Vincent James Mentoring with the clear goal of reaching kids like him and their families.

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